Poor houses
Children’s homes;
viii. Houses
for the deaf and dumb and for disabled and handicapped children.
ix. Shelters
for destitute and disabled persons.
x. Asylums
for persons of unsound mind.
xi. The building
or purchased and maintenance of dwelling houses for corporation officers
and other corporation employees.
xii. Any
measures for the welfare of the corporation officers and other corporation to
such officers and employees or any class of them for construction of houses and
purchase of vehicles.
xiii. The
organization or management of chemical or bacteriological laboratories for the
examination or analysis of water, food and drugs for the detection of
diseases or research connected with the public health or medical relief.
xiv. The
provision of the relief to destitute and disabled persons.
xv. Public
vaccination and inoculation.
xvi. The
organization, construction, maintenance and management of swimming pools.
xvii. The
organization and management of farms and dairies within or outside the
municipal area for the supply, distribution and processing of milk and milk
products for the benefit of the residents of the municipal area.
xviii. The
organization and management of cottage industries, handicraft centers and sales
xix. The
construction and maintenance of warehouses and godowns.
xx. The
construction and maintenance of garbage, sheds and stands for vehicles and
cattle beires.
xxi. The
provision for unfiltered water supply.
xxii. The
improvement of the municipal area in accordance with improvement schemes
approved by the corporation.
xxiii. The
provision of housing accommodation for the inhabitants of any area or for any
class of inhabitants.
The establishment and maintenance of hospitals, dispensaries
and maternity and child welfare centres and the carrying out
of other measures necessary for public medical relief.
xxv. Any
measure not herein before specifically mentioned likely to promote public
safety, health, convenience or general welfare.
4. Duties of Councilors (Members of the House)
a) Represent
the people in the municipal corporation and cooperate with other councilors in
the best interest of the community.
b) Participate
in the House meetings, House Committee meetings and meetings of the Ward
Committee and other related bodies.
c) Take policy
decisions as members of the House.
d) Monitor
the development of the MC areas (wards) and providing basic civic amenities.
e) Monitor
the performance of the municipal corporation.
f) Communicate
the needs of the community to the municipal corporation and the municipal
corporation processes to the community.
g) Prepare
and attend meetings unless they have a special leave of absence.
h) Raise
issues of concern with the relevant bodies and provide feedback on the
municipal corporation’s performance.
i) Follow the
code of conduct.