Total Visitors: 167854 Last Updated On: 12/03/2025
The Following projects have
been approved Under the Urban Infrastructure and Governance (JNNURM) for Shimla
a) Solid Waste Management for Shimla City.
b) Widening and lowering of tunnel and construction of bridge near Auckland House School Shimla
c) Purchase of buses in Shimla city.
d) Renovation of water distribution system in Shimla city
e) Improvement of the abandoned area and pipeline and damaged sewage pipe line of the sewerage plan of Shimla city.
f) Establishment of e-governance in Shimla.
g) Management of sanitary landfill site for Solid Waste Management Plant in village Bhariyaj, Tehseen and district Shimla.
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India in June 2015 with the focus to establish infrastructure that could ensure adequate robust sewage networks and water supply for urban transformation by implementing urban revival projects.
The purpose of “AMRUT” mission is to (i) ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage connection (ii) increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open spaces e.g. parks and (iii) reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for non-motorized transport e.g. walking and cycling
Implementation of SWM Rules 2016
a) O&M of Public/Community toilets – 112, Bio toilets – 3 & e toilets – 13
b) 313 nos. of IHHL (Individual Household Latrines) constructed under IHHL Component for which grant of Rs. 12000/- has been given to 313 nos. of beneficiaries.
Source Segregation (Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable) started
in all wards of MC Shimla from 1st December 2018 onwards.
d) Wet waste is
being collected on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
e) Dry Waste is being collected on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Management of Solid Waste within MC limits including collection, segregation, transportation, disposal and Night Sweeping.
Corporation Shimla has prepared a Pilot DPR amounting to Rs. 3399.65 lacs for
Krishna Nagar Slum under Rajiv Awas Yojna (RAY). Ministry of Housing &
Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), GOI has approved pilot project (DPR) in the
year 2013 for Krishna Nagar Slum. The first installment Rs. 1067.24 lac has
already been released in 2012-13 by the State Government to MC Shimla.
The component wise status
is as under:
Sr. |
Component |
Status |
1 |
Construction of
proposed Children park for Slum Dweller under RAY in Krishna Nagar: |
Work completed |
2 |
Construction of
approach road 3.50m width from New Slaughter House to location No 5 in
krishna Nagar Shimla including cross drainage work. |
Work completed |
3 |
Construction of
proposed Community Centre at Krishna Nagar under Rajiv Awas Yojana ( RAY ) at Shimla ( SH:- C/O Civil Work,
site development and WS & SI etc ) |
Work completed |
4 |
Construction of
proposed 88 Dwelling Units on Location No 3 Krishna Nagar under Rajiv Awas
Yojana at Shimla ( SH:- C/O Civil work WS & SI Solar System Rain water
Harvesting Tank fire fighting storm
water Drainage and site Development complete ) |
At Location No. 3 in
Krishna Nagar, ward 88 dwelling units
were proposed to be constructed. Work was awarded to Sh. N.K Vij, Contractor
on dated 08.11.2016. Presently work of 48 dwelling units is complete. The
Construction of 40 No.s dwelling units has been proposed to be constructed
through RTDC. |
5 |
Construction of
Proposed 208 Dwelling units on location No 5 krishna Nagar under Rajiv Awas
Yojna at Shimla ( SH:- C/O Civil work WS & SI Solar system ,Rain water
Harvesting Tank ,fire fighting ,Strom water Drainage and site development
complete ) |
The work 208 dwelling
units were proposed to be constructed and work was awarded to M/S Vishwa
Bhumi Engineers on 17.11.2016 at location no. 5in Krishna Nagar ward. Due to
heavy Landslide at the proposed site only 16 Dwelling Units can be
constructed. RCC Framed structure work of two blocks consisting Dwelling
Units in each blocks is in progress. Balance 192 Dwelling Units cannot be
constructed as there occurs heavy landslide at this proposed site. Keeping in
view the above facts, it need be the remaining dwelling units will be
consisting at new site i.e Malyana as per requirement and availability of
funds. |
Abattoir Shimla was established under the 11th five year plan. Ministry of Food
processing, Government of India has funded this project on turn key-cum-long
lease basis. The project was sanctioned on dated 18.1.2008 at an
estimated cost of Rs.19.66 crores which was later enhanced to Rs. 26.42 crores
due to delay and change of site .This Municipal Abattoir project was one
of the 10 abattoirs sanctioned under the 11th five year Plan by
MoFPI, GOI and was 2nd to be constructed by December,2013 . The project
was commissioned in May; 2014 after successful trial runs of all
components/facilities. Modern Abattoir Shimla has been made functional since
May 2014. Shimla Municipal Abattoir is multispecies abattoir where sheep
and goat (Jhatka &Halal), poultry (Jhatka &Halal), and pig are all
slaughtered in one campus. The following is the
capacity of the modern slaughter house.
Animal |
No. of Animals to be slaughtered |
Total annual meat production |
Per shift |
Per day |
Per annum |
Goat / sheep |
250 |
500 |
1,50,000 |
1,800 tons |
Pig |
50 |
100 |
30,000 |
1,050 tons |
Poultry |
2,000 |
4,000 |
12,00,000 |
1,200 tons |
Total |
4,050 tons |
But on
an average 70-80 sheep & goat, 10 pigs and 2500 birds are being slaughtered
on daily basis. However this has reduced due to ongoing COVID pandemic.
The solid waste and
effluent is also treated and processed at the site, confining the same to
one place hence preventing the spill over to other parts of the town. MoFPI,
GOI has appreciated this project and considers it to be a model for other hilly
areas and small towns. This is the only project so far where poultry has been
included with sheep, goat and pig.
Municipal Corporation has also achieved the goal of preventing unethical
slaughter of sheep, goat, pig and poultry in any place other than the Municipal
abattoir hence abiding with the writ petition (civil) No(s) 309 of 2003 Laxmi
Narayan Modi Vs Union of India &Others and also fulfilling the norms laid
down by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India.
MC Shimla has been running a solid
waste treatment plant at Darani Ka Bagicha at Lal Pani Shimla. MC Shimla is
planning to shift Solid Waste Management Plant to Bhariyal at Tara Devi
Totu Bye Pass Road. Trial run for commissing of this plant is in progress.
Municipal Corporation
Shimla invariably receives the complaints regarding dog and monkey bites and
nuisance. The issues related to monkey bites and nuisance has been taken up by
the wildlife wing of Forest department HP.
To tackle the stray dogs menace in Shimla town, Municipal Corporation Shimla framed the Stray Dogs Birth Control Society, Municipal Corporation Shimla (SDBCS, SMC) and has registered the same under Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860 on 03-01-2005.The Stray Dogs Birth Control Society of Municipal Corporation Shimla has adopted a scientific, effective and humane approach based on the guidelines of World Health Organisation (WHO) and Animal welfare Board of India (AWBI). This method/programme is carried out under the provision of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960 and Dog Rules 2001.Under this society the Animal Birth Control- Anti Rabies (ABC-AR) Activity was started on 17-10-2006 and till 4.12.2020, 9495 stray dogs have been sterilised and vaccinated against the rabies. The SDBC Society is registered with the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) vide recognition code No. HP025/07 on 14-02-2007. A tri-partite MoU was signed among Animal Welfare Board of India, Department of Animal Husbandry Govt. of HP and Municipal Corporation Shimla. Under these rules dogs are caught, sterilized, vaccinated with rabies vaccine and released in the same area from where they are caught. Translocation of dogs from one place to another is not permitted under SPCA Act 1960 and Dog Rules 2001.
With the objective of
providing shelter and food to existing street dog population, Municipal
Corporation Shimla has started a programme of stray dog adoption. For this, MC
Shimla approved a policy in the month of October 2019. This includes personal
and community adoption. Stray dogs are sterilized and vaccinated free of cost
in the ABC centre of The Municipal Corporation. More than 200 stray dogs have
already been adopted by the residents of the town under personal and community
adoption programme.
Ashiana-II scheme was sanctioned during February, 2008.
Ashiana-II scheme was sanctioned during February, 2008. This project was sanctioned to construct 384 Dwelling Units at selected land Dhalli. The 176 DUs were constructed by HIMUDA at Dhalli Out of 176 dwelling units, 82 dwelling units came under the alignment of 4 lane road project (24 dwelling units are fully completed, 48 DUs partially completed and work of 10 No.s DUs not started).Thus, only 94 complete DUs were handed over by the HIMUDA to MC Shimla. Further, 64 dwelling units has been allotted to the urban poor in 1st phase during the year 2017-18 and remaining 30 DUs have been allotted in 2nd phase on September 2020.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) Housing For All(Urban)
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY),Housing For All
was launched by the Government of India on 25-06-2015. This Mission component
wise latest status is as under:-
1. In–Situ slum rehabilitation
using land as a resource:-
The aim of this scheme is to leverage the locked potential of land under slums to provide houses on the eligible slums. The slums whether on Centre Government land, State Government land, ULB land and private land should be taken up for in –situ development for providing houses to eligible slum dwellers. This component of HFA is being implemented by the Urban Development Department and revenue papers of 3 no.s in-situ slum inhabitant’s colonies i.e Idgah and Ruldhu Bhatta, Kusht Colony and Krishna Nagar have been submitted to the Director (UD). Further, it is submitted that some land under the possession of in-situ slums dwellers is government land. For providing in-situ housing facilities to these slum dwellers, transfer of land in the name of the slum dwellers is essential. The Hon’ble Councilor are requested to provide eligible in-situ slum dwellers beneficiaries list, duly verified by the Ward Committee, so that same will be submitted to the Government for seeking approval for transfer of Government land in the name of slum dwellers, so that re-development of the slum in-situ construction be carried out. Matter was placed before the Hon’ble MC House for approval and Hon’ble MC House has approved the same vide resolution no. 3 (23) dated 31-08-2020, but information is still awaited from the councilors.
2. Affordable Housing for credit
linked subsidy:-
This component
is being directly implemented by banks.
3. Affordable Housing in Partnership:-
This component of PMAY is
Affordable Housing in Partnership (Funds: Govt grant Rs. 1.5 lakh per house
only), The consulting firm ”Stesalit System Ltd” hired by Urban Development
(UD), Shimla has submitted final beneficiary Data under AHP on dated
29/06/2018, in which 184 beneficiaries are finally selected by the firm against
3071 applications received during the demand survey conducted by the firm
during 2016. Further MC Shimla has selected a land at Malyana bearing Khasra No
921 for construction of houses under vertical-3 (AHP) HFA Mission. Further, in
compliance to the directions of the Hon’ble High Court of HP Shimla on dated
31-12-2019, proposal for rehabilitation of 71 Tibetans families and 1 Tibitean
Nursery Day School at Malyana has been approved by the State Govt. in the
cabinet meeting held on 25-02-2020 under this project. Further this office has
already sent a letter to UD regarding the preparation of DPR .
4. Beneficiary-led Individual House for new construction/ enhancement:-
This component of the HFA provides financial assistance of Rs. 1.85 Lacs to EWS families to construct new house or to enhance existing house on their own. The DPR of 47 beneficiaries have been approved from the UD in which 29 Enhancement and 18 New Construction. Out of 47 the 33 dwelling units had been completed and remaining DUs is in progress.
Brief Status of Chotta Shimla Parking
a) The work has
been awarded to M/s Chotta Shimla Projects Pvt. Ltd on 5th August, 2010 for
250 ECS.
b) Concession
period is 30 years with the Concession Fee amounting to Rs. 36.00 lakhs per
annum with an increase of 10% after every two years over the previous annual
Concession Fee.
The tentative cost of this project as per the RFP is Rs. 11.68
d) The
Concessioning Authority and the Concessionaire fulfilled all its Conditions
Precedent as per Article 4 of the Concession Agreement on 15-12-2012 and
the Compliance Certificate was signed on 31.12.2012.
e) The Project
construction period was one year from the date of signing of Compliance
The structure was proposed to be construed for nine storeys.
Ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor and 5th floor were proposed to be used
as commercial area and 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th
floor plus the terrace area was to be used as parking floors. Total built up
area proposed for parking with terrace floors to be constructed was 7636.48 sqm
and parking area achieved is 7695.91 sqm with 5 no’s floors i.e. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th, with terrace
slab area. Total commercial area with 4 floors proposed was 2748.00sqm (Maximum
30000sqft) and commercial area achieved is 2788.36 sqm with Ground floor 1st
floor, 2nd floor and 6th floors as commercial floors.
g) The parking
complex was inaugurated for public on 07-04-2016 for 250 ECS.
h) Final
completion report has been submitted by the Independent Engineer 06-10-2016.
As per final completion report submitted completion plan has
been submitted to Govt. for approval for some relaxations vide letter no
MCS/AP/158/AP/18-862-63 dated 23-02-2018.
Government has raised Observations i.e (NOC from HPPWD &
Forest be obtained) before approval of completion plan vide letter no.
TCP-F(6-I/2018 dated 24-05-2018.
k) A patch of
Forest Land is involved for obtaining NOC from Forest Department which requires
transfer of forest land. Now FCA case for transfer of forest land has been
uploaded online on 04-11-2019. FCA matter under process.
As per completion report submitted by Independent Engineer the
value added services as proposed in the project and actually achieved are as
per listattached.(Annexure‘A’).
Concessionaire has filed a case in arbitration and the matter is pending before
Sole Arbitrator Cum Principal Secretary(LAW)for adjudication.
Status of Development of Car parking Complex at
Sanjauli parkings Constructed on DBOT Basis:
The work has been awarded to M/s Tantia Sanjauli parkings
Private limited Kolkata for a concession period of 30 years on dated
18th Nov., 2010 with the concession fee amounting
to Rs 95 lacs per annum with an increase of 10% every two years
over the previous annual concessionfee.
This parking complex is to be constructed on 2500 Sqm ground area and the
structure has Nine storey out of which lowest seven floors are to be
used as parking floors where about 400 vehicles can be parked on
these floors. The top two floors are to be used for commercial
purpose. The tentative cost of this project is amounting to Rs. 24.70
The Compliance Certificate was signed on 08.10.2012. The Project
construction period was one year from the date of signing of compliance
certificate which was up to 07.10.2013 but M.C. Shimla has given one more year
extension for construction which was up to 07.10.2014 and again MC Shimla has
granted 4 years and 8 months Provisional extensions till 30-06-2018 with
damages due to delay. MC Shimla has rejected further extension as
concessionaire has failed to deposit concession fee.
The parking complex was inaugurated on 09.04.2015 and opened for
public usage. The Concessionaire is in breach of its obligations under the
concession agreement so show cause notice has been issued to the Concessionaire
under various clauses of the agreement. The construction performance security
of Rs.1 Crore has been forfeited for delay of project on dated
The Concessionaire has filed case in Hon’ble High Court H.P for
the interim relief regarding Application on behalf of Petitioner under Section
9 of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 for interim measures. The
Hon’ble High Court on dated 31-08-2018 has passed the order to maintain the
status quo qua. Further, due to very less progress at the project site, the
Concessioning Authority (Municipal Corporation Shimla) has issued “Termination
Notice” to the concessionaire on 15-05-2019. After issuing termination
notice concessionaire has filed an arbitration case before the Sole Arbitrator Cum
Principal Secretary (LAW) for adjudication. Next date of hearing is 25-11-2020.
Present Status at site:-
Portion of the main car parking complex:
- This portion of the parking complex consists of Basement+ Ground
floor and seven numbers of floors. The structure work in basement + ground
floor and eight floors (8th floors) has been completed and the
operation of Car parking is being run w.e.f 09-04-2015 by the concessionaire.
Approximate 300 No’s of vehicles are being parked in these floors. The ninth
(9th floors) terrace slab work is being carried out by the Concessionaire and
work is still pending.
Chhota Shimla Site of main parking complex: - In this portion of
complex, RCC work in framed structure for two stories building has been
constructed and columns for third have been casted. Also regarding the issue of
front projection i.e. on road side for which reinforcement had already been
laid out C.C work has not been done, Concessionaire stated that some directions
have been given by Hon’ble High Court of H.P due to which the work has been
stopped. Facts regarding same are being verified.
Sanjauli Side Portion of main Parking Complex: - In this portion ground floor+
seven floors as exist in the parking portion of the main complex has been taken
for construction. Partial work of site development along with partial
construction of Retaining wall has been constructed. But, some sliding from
hill side, concessionaire has stopped the further work and now this portion
work of complex is pending.
Total Visitors: 167854. Last Updated On: 12/03/2025
Version: e-Nigam 1.0.1
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