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Tree Authority Committee

Tree Authority Committee under the Chairpersonship of Hon. Mayor has been constituted in MC Shimla under Section 340 of THE HIMACHAL PRADESH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ACT, 1994.

Any person intending to cut, fell or remove a tree within the territorial jurisdiction of the Municipal corporation shall make an application to the Divisional Forest Officer (Tree Officer), in such form and containing such particulars and accompanied by such documents as may be prescribed.

Tree Authority Committee on receipt of application from any person to fell any standing tree or to cut, lop, remove or otherwise dispose of a fallen tree, the Tree Authority after making such inquiry as it may think fit, and with prior approval of the Government either permit in whole or in part or refuse the permission applied for.

 Constitution of Tree Authority. -

 (i) The Hon, Mayor of the Municipal Corporation , (Chairperson)

(ii) The Commissioner Municipal Corporation, (Member)

 (iii) The Divisional Forest Officer (Tree Officer/Member Secretary)

 (iv) The District Horticulture Officer

(v) One Councillor nominated by the Mayor.


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