नगर निगम शिमला हि.प्र
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Notice Board

General Branch

This Department is the Administrative Department of the MC the function of which is to have over all control and coordination amongst amongst various branches and departments of the corporation.  It is headed by the Joint/ Assistant Commissioner of the corporation. 

This department is further divided into different branches viz. Establishment, Accounts Branch, Estate Branch, Tax Deptt., Cash Branch, Record Branch & Reader Branch. 


1.    Over all co-ordination amongst various departments of Municipal Corporation Shimla.

2.    Establishment matters.

3.    Redressal of public greivances

4.    Information under the Right to Information Act.

5.    Organizing functions, Festival & Fairs.

6.    Management of M.C. Vehicles.

7.    Maintenance of Record.

8.    Redressal of public grievances.

9.    Meetings (both internal & external).

10.   Preparation of bye-Laws/Rules.

11.   Vidhan Sabha business.

12.   Purchase of stationary Articles, printing of various materials.

13.   Implementation/introduced various schemes sponsored by the Central/State Govt.

14.   Revenue record/matters.

15.   All correspondence with the general public, State Govt., other Govt., departments etc.

16.   Misc. works.


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